Thứ Tư, 31 tháng 3, 2021
Thứ Ba, 30 tháng 3, 2021
Thứ Hai, 29 tháng 3, 2021
Chủ Nhật, 28 tháng 3, 2021
Thứ Bảy, 27 tháng 3, 2021
Thứ Sáu, 26 tháng 3, 2021
Thứ Năm, 25 tháng 3, 2021
Ca nhập lễ : Hr 10,5-7 : Khi vào trần gian, Đức Ki-tô nói : "Lạy Thiên Chúa, này con đây, con đến để thực thi ý Ngài".
Bài đọc 1 : Is 7,10-14 ; 8,10. : Này đây người trinh nữ sẽ mang thai.
Đáp ca : Tv 39, 7-8a.8b-9.10.11 : Lạy Chúa, này con đến để thực thi ý Ngài.
Bài đọc 2 : Hr 10,4-10 : Sách Thánh đã chép về con : Lạy Thiên Chúa , con đến để thực thi ý Ngài.
Tung hô Tin Mừng Ga 1,14ab : Ngôi Lời đã trở nên người phàm và cư ngụ giữa chúng ta. Chúng tôi đã được nhìn thấy vinh quang của Người.
Tin Mừng Lc 1, 26-38 : Này đây bà sẽ thụ thai, sinh hạ một con trai.
Ca hiệp lễ Is 7,14 : Này đây trinh nữ sẽ thụ thai và sinh hạ con trai, người ta sẽ gọi tên con trẻ là Em-ma-nu-en.
Thứ Tư, 24 tháng 3, 2021
Thứ Ba, 23 tháng 3, 2021
Thứ Hai, 22 tháng 3, 2021
Chủ Nhật, 21 tháng 3, 2021
Thứ Bảy, 20 tháng 3, 2021
Thứ Năm, 18 tháng 3, 2021
Thứ Ba, 16 tháng 3, 2021
Chủ Nhật, 14 tháng 3, 2021
Thứ Tư, 10 tháng 3, 2021
Thứ Ba, 9 tháng 3, 2021
Vào những ngày cuối năm 2002, trên các trang báo của Ý đã xuất
hiện một thông báo tìm người rất đặc biệt:
Không lâu sau, người phụ nữ kia đã sinh ra một bé gái da đen.
Hiện tại cô bé bị bệnh máu trắng, cần phải làm phẫu thuật cấy
ghép tủy gấp, ba ruột của cô bé chính là niềm hy vọng duy nhất để cứu sống cô.
Hy vọng người năm xưa sau khi đọc được lời nhắn này, hãy mau
chóng liên hệ với bác sĩ Adrew làm việc tại bệnh viện Elizabeth."
Đây là một câu chuyện có thật, và nó sẽ có kết cục như thế
Đối diện với một kẻ cưỡng bức… bạn có tha thứ cho anh ta không?
Xin hãy đọc tiếp…
Ở một khu dân cư thuộc thành phố Foyer nước Ý, Marda 35 tuổi
là người phụ nữ luôn bị mọi người xì xào bàn tán, bởi cô và chồng cô Peter đều
là người da trắng, nhưng trong hai đứa con của họ lại có một đứa là da đen.
Điều này đã khiến cho những người hàng xóm xung quanh không
khỏi cảm thấy tò mò.
Marda luôn cười nói với họ rằng, do bà nội của mình là người
da đen, ông nội là người da trắng, nên đứa con gái Monica mới xuất hiện sự lại
giống như vậy.
Hết thảy những người thân họ hàng hai bên đều đến bệnh viện
làm xét nghiệm nhưng không có ai thích hợp cả.
Một buổi tối, bác sĩ Andrew đang trực ban thì có tiếng gõ cửa,
là vợ chồng Marda.
“Chuyện xảy ra vào tháng 05/1992, lúc đó là 10h tối, trời mưa
rất to. Marda vừa tan ca làm.
Khi cô đi ngang qua một bãi đậu xe bị bỏ hoang, Marda nghe thấy
sau lưng có tiếng bước chân; cô sợ hãi quay đầu lại nhìn, là một chàng trai da
đen đang đứng phía sau cô.
Anh ta tay cầm một khúc cây, đánh cô ngất đi, và làm nhục cô.
Không lâu sau đó, Marda phát hiện mình đã mang thai.
Họ đã vô cùng sợ hãi, lo sợ rằng đứa con này chính là của người
da đen kia.
Marda muốn phá bỏ cái thai, nhưng Peter đã ngăn cản cô bởi
anh vẫn hy vọng đứa bé trong bụng chính là con của họ.
Tháng 03/1993, Marda hạ sinh một bé gái, là da đen.
Họ đã hoàn toàn tuyệt vọng, và quyết định sẽ đem đứa bé cho
cô nhi viện, nhưng mỗi lần nghe thấy tiếng khóc của nó thì lại không nhẫn tâm.
Mắt Peter bắt đầu nhòe đi, anh tiếp tục nói:
Dù sao thì Marda cũng đã mang thai nó, đứa bé không có tội gì
Nó xứng đáng được sống và yêu thương.
“Ông bà phải tìm được cha ruột của Monica, nói không chừng tủy
xương của anh ta, hoặc tủy xương của con cái anh ta có thể thích hợp với
“Nhưng… ông bà có bằng lòng để cho anh ta xuất hiện trong cuộc
đời mình lần nữa hay không?”
“Vì Monica, chúng tôi bằng lòng tha thứ cho anh ta, nếu như
anh ta chịu bước ra để cứu đứa bé, tôi hứa sẽ không khởi tố”.
Marda và Peter suy nghĩ hết lần này đến lần khác, quyết định
dùng hình thức giấu tên, để đăng một bản tin tìm người trên báo.
Nhưng trong biển người mênh mông, huống hồ chuyện đã nhiều
năm như vậy, biết đi đâu để tìm tên cưỡng dâm năm xưa?
Và điều đó đã cứu được rất nhiều bệnh nhân bị bệnh máu trắng,
nhưng Monica lại không nằm trong số những người may mắn.
Rất nhiều người đã tự nguyện trình báo để làm xét nghiệm
xương tủy, hi vọng có thể hiến tủy cho Monica.
Ngày 17/05/1992, trong cuộc đời anh đã trải qua một đêm mưa
gió bão bùng tựa như ác mộng, anh rất có thể là người được nhắc đến trong câu
chuyện trên.
Cha mẹ mất sớm, anh phải nghỉ học, lăn lộn kiếm sống ngoài xã
Dẫu anh có cố gắng làm việc chăm chỉ thế nào thì vẫn luôn phải
chịu sự đánh đập chửi mắng từ ông ta.
Anh dự định sẽ nghỉ làm sớm để đón mừng sinh nhật của mình,
không ngờ trong lúc loay hoay đã vô tình làm rơi một cái đĩa, ông chủ túm chặt
lấy cổ anh bắt anh phải nuốt hết những mảnh vỡ đó.
Achlia phẫn nộ cho ông ta một đấm, rồi xông ra khỏi quán.
Buổi tối hôm đó trời mưa tầm tã, trên đường dường như không
có một bóng người đi lại, trên bãi đậu xe anh gặp Marda, căm phẫn dâng trào
trong anh về sự phân biệt chủng tộc, lòng căm thù đối với người da trắng đã khiến
anh phạm phải tội ác lớn nhất trong cuộc đời mà đến tận bây giờ anh vẫn không
thể tha thứ cho chính mình: Anh đã cưỡng bức người phụ nữ vô tội đó.
Đối với mọi người, Achlia thật sự là một ông chủ tốt, người
chồng tốt và người cha tốt.
Anh luôn cầu nguyện Thượng Đế, xin Người hãy phù hộ người phụ
nữ đã từng bị anh làm hại kia, hy vọng cô có thể bình an vô sự sống một cuộc sống
hạnh phúc, và không bị tổn hại bởi tội lỗi anh đã gây nên.
Buổi sáng hôm đó, Achlia đã đọc đi đọc lại bản tin đó đến mấy
lần, trực giác mách bảo rằng anh chính là kẻ cưỡng gian được tìm trên tờ báo
Cả ngày hôm đó, Achlia đã gọi điện thoại cho bác sĩ Andrew mấy
lần, nhưng điện thoại còn chưa quay xong anh liền vội cúp máy.
Nếu như đứng ra thừa nhận tất cả, mọi người sẽ biết được quá
khứ xấu xa của anh, những đứa con sẽ không còn yêu thương anh nữa, anh sẽ mất
đi gia đình hạnh phúc và người vợ xinh đẹp, cũng sẽ mất đi sự tôn trọng của xã
hội đối với mình.
Bữa tối hôm đó, mọi người trong nhà đều bàn luận về những tin
tức có liên quan đến Marda trên báo chí như những lần trước.
“Em thật sự rất khâm phục người phụ nữ này. Nếu như đổi lại
là em, em sẽ không đủ can đảm để nuôi dưỡng con gái đã được sinh ra vì bị cưỡng
Em càng khâm phục chồng của cô ấy, anh ta quả thật là một người
đàn ông đáng được tôn trọng, có thể chấp nhận một đứa con như thế”.
“Vậy em nhìn nhận kẻ cưỡng hiếp đó như thế nào?”
“Em tuyệt đối không thể tha thứ cho hắn ta được.
Năm xưa đã làm sai rồi, vào thời khắc then chốt của bây giờ,
hắn ta lại rụt cổ trốn tránh.
Hắn ta thật đúng là quá đê tiện, quá ích kỷ, thật là quá ghê
Hắn ta là con quỷ hèn nhát!”
“Mình rốt cuộc là người tốt, hay là người xấu?”
Anh đã phạm sai lầm một lần rồi, bây giờ không thể phạm sai lầm
tiếp nữa.
Anh gọi cho bác sĩ Andrew bằng điện thoại công cộng.
Lina bật khóc, cô không thể nào có thể chấp nhận được người
chồng rất mực yêu thương cô lại chính là một tên tội phạm.
Cô chạy ào ra khỏi cửa, lái xe đi suốt đêm trong vô vọng, cô
chưa từng trải qua đêm nào khủng khiếp như vậy trong cuộc đời.
Achlia ra mở cửa, hai mắt đỏ hoe.
Lina kiên định nói:
“Achlia, anh hãy đến chỗ bác sĩ Andrew! Em sẽ đi cùng với
Tất cả đều được tiến hành cực kỳ bí mật, bệnh viện đã không
tiết lộ thân phận của người trong cuộc cho báo chí mà chỉ thông báo với ký giả
rằng đã tìm được cha ruột của Monica.
“Anh ấy từng là tội nhân, nhưng giờ đây anh ấy là một anh
Marda và chồng bước đến, nắm chặt lấy tay anh, ba người nhìn
nhau khóc không thành tiếng, nước mắt hòa lẫn vào nhau.
“Xin lỗi, xin lỗi, xin hãy tha thứ cho tôi!
“Cảm ơn cậu đã có thể bước ra.
Cúi xin Thượng Đế phù hộ, tủy xương của cậu đã cứu sống con
gái tôi!”
Cám ơn các bạn đã đọc hết!
(Thái Tùng Quân theo Inspirations)
On 17/5/1992,
In some street parking 5, City business park
Avenue, a white woman with a black man of rape. Not long after, the woman gave
birth to a black baby girl. Currently she is suffering from leukemia, needs to
be done urgently marrow transplant surgery, three of her intestine is the only
hope to save her life, hope the former after reading this message, Please
quickly contact a doctor working at the hospital Andrew Elizabeth.
Newsletters has quickly created a stir in
public opinion.
This is a true story, and it will end up like?
Faced with a man forced ... You forgive him not? Please read on ...
She was diagnosed with leukemia
involving a secret ...
In a residential area of the city Foyer
Italy, foot 35 old woman always people buzz, because she and her husband Peter
are whites, but in their two children have a baby is black.
This has led to the restaurant around could
not help feeling curious, Marda always laugh told them that, because his
grandmother was black, his grandfather was a white man, daughter Monica should
appear the same again.
And secret can not cover
anymore ...
Fall 2002, black girl Monica was diagnosed
with leukemia, The only cure is a bone marrow transplant surgery. All the ones
relatives sides to the hospital for testing, but no one fit all.
One evening, Dr. Andrew was on duty then knock
on the door, spouses Marda. And he had heard that the couple secretly buried
them for years.
"It happened in December 5/1992, then 10
pm, heavy rain. Marda just melt shifts. As she was walking through a deserted
parking lot, Marda heard footsteps behind; Her fear turned her head to look, a
black man standing behind her. He's holding a stick, beat her unconscious, and
humiliated her. Not long after that, Marda discovered she was pregnant. They
were extremely frightened, fear that this child was the other black. Marda want
to break the pregnancy, but Peter had stopped her because he still hoped the
baby inside their child's.
Just like that, they had an anxious wait ...
Month 3/1993, Marda birth to a baby girl, is
black. They were absolutely desperate, and decided to bring the baby to the
orphanage, but each time heard its cry, are not heartless. And finally they
decided to bring her up as the daughter ....
Peter started eyes blurred, He went on to say:
Anyway, Marda also was pregnant it, the boy is
not guilty at all. It deserves to be lived and loved.
Nose doctor Andrew also did sting, He was
silent for a moment before finally opening words: "He had to find her
biological father of Monica, said perhaps his bone marrow, or bone marrow of
children he can fit with Monica ".
"But ... grandparent is willing to let him
appear in my life again or not?”
Marda says: "For Monica, we willing to
forgive him, if he shall come out to save him, I promised not to prosecute
Dr. Andrew not deeply shaken off by heart, the
compassion of this mother.
Marda and Peter thought again and again, decided to form anonymity, to publish an article in the newspaper looking for people.
Month 11/2002, on most city magazines have
posted a bulletin Foyer find. But in the vast sea of people, let alone what
had for so many years, know where to go to find the name in the old rape?
Maternal heart to people who
inadvertently helped many unfortunate patients .....
This story has touched so many people, a wave
swept across the country to donate marrow, many people voluntarily tested to
see if their marrow is appropriate or not. And that has saved many patients
with leukemia, but Monica was not among the lucky ones.
Newsletter also transmitted to the ears of
black crime that year. Many people have volunteered to do the test report
bones, hoping marrow donor for Monica. Both the white prisoners were also
touched by Marda motherhood, they expressed sincere interest in her and provide
many clues to support the police and forced the family to find out who in the
old time.
But unfortunately, they still can not find the
father of Monica. More than two months passed, the other black man still does
not appear ... Marda and Peter still anxious waiting for the miracle will come
with their daughter.
Mystery man ... gradually
After finding this person bulletin appeared on
the newspaper in the city of Naples, in the heart of the boss of a high-end
restaurant is Achlia start waves.
On 17/5/1992, in his life has gone through a
stormy night wind like a nightmare, His chances are people mentioned in the
story above.
No one can doubt that millionaire's Achlia
this day once a dishwasher in a restaurant lease in the city Foyer. Parents
died early, he had to quit school, roll for a living society. Ironically, His
boss was a racist who. Although he had tried to work hard how it will always
suffer beatings from his scolding.
It's birthday 20 of Achlia. He plans to leave
early to celebrate his birthday, unexpectedly while squirming accidentally
dropped a plate, boss grabbed his neck forced him to swallow all those fragments.
Achlia resent him a punch, then stormed out of the shop.
He is determined avenge whites. That evening a downpour, on the road does not seem to have a ball commuters, on the parking lot he met Marda, his indignation about the surge in racist, hatred for white people made him the biggest crime committed in life that until now he still can not forgive myself: he has forced innocent woman that.
Deeply regrets, he bought a train ticket to
the city of Naples, away from the city in the night, hope can forget the guilt
that he has caused.
Later, Achlia has found work in a restaurant
advantages of an American, it is very precious couple of his diligence, Lina
also brought his daughter to be married to him, later he was assigned to manage
the entire business of a restaurant.
Few years ago, he has developed into a
restaurant luxury restaurant. He and Lina also together three adorable kids.
For everyone, Achlia really a good boss, good husband and father.
Achlia still never forget the crimes of the
past. He always prayed God, Please, please bless the woman he had been harmed
there, hope she can safely live a life of happiness, and not be harmed by the
sins he has caused. But he was never brought before the secret of this heart to
tell anyone.
That morning, Achlia have reread it several
times newsletter, intuition that he is who resist are finding space in the
paper. He never thought, The poor woman that was pregnant and had nourished
children do not belong to its capital.
All day, Achlia had telephoned Dr. Andrew
several times, but the phone was not filming, he began hastily hung up. In his
heart was struggling pain. If you like to stand out admit all, people will know
his evil past, children will not love you anymore, he loses the happy family
and beautiful wife, also will lose the respect of society for their. He has
been very difficult to have a life like today, I can not let happiness slip by.
Evening meal, people in the house were
discussing the news related to Marda in the press as the last time. Lina says wife:
"I really admire this woman. If you
return the, I would not have the courage to nurture her daughter was born
because rape. The more I admired her husband, he was indeed a man of
respectability, can accept a child like that? ".
Achlia silent for a moment then asked:
"So you acknowledge that rapist how?”
Lina said indignantly: "I absolutely can
not forgive him be. Year old has done wrong, at crucial moments of the now,
neck pulled him back shirk. He was right too ignoble, selfish, truth is too
disgusting! He is demon cowardly!”
Lina heard say, Achlia as not dare to tell the
truth to his wife. Tossing and turning all night he can not sleep, feeling
ourselves as being damnation in hell, the scene of the crime rainy night that
constantly appear in front. He agonized wonder: "I ended up being a good
person, or a bad person?”
A few days later, Achlia no way silent
anymore, fatherly love which burst from the depths of my soul, he wanted to
save his daughter. He had made a mistake once already, now can not continue any
more mistakes. British doctor Andrew call by public phone.
Also in the evening, he took up the courage to
tell his wife all. Lina cried, She could not have accepted very loving husband
she is a criminal. She ran out the door, drove all night in vain, she had never
experienced such a terrible night in the life. After a night of torment
suffering, she decided to return. Achlia the door, two red eyes. Lina said
firmly: “Achlia, I go to the doctor Andrew! I'll go with him!”
In desperation always appears
light of hope ....
On 8/2/2003, Achlia wife Elizabeth came to the
hospital and tested for DNA, results he really is the father of Monica.
Upon learning of the black man ever to
humiliate himself finally had the courage to step out, tears of happiness rolling
down her cheeks constantly Marda. She hatred throughout 10 year, but this
moment she was deeply touched.
All are extremely secretive conduct, The
hospital did not disclose the identity of the insider to the press, but only
informed reporters that Monica's biological father had been found.. This
information has drawn interest in the people of the country, They kept calling
and writing to Dr. Andrew, thanks to him sending their forgiveness and respect
to this black man: “He used to be a sinner, But now he's a hero!”
On 18/2, under secret arrangement, Marda met
Achlia in the living room of the hospital. When he saw Marda, Achlia's
footsteps were heavy, pale face. Marda and her husband walked over, clutching
his hand, the three people looked at each other and cried out loud, tears mixed
A long time later, Achlia said chokedly:
"Sorry, xin lỗi, please forgive me! This statement I have buried in my
heart more deeply 10 years ago, Today finally had a chance to tell you. I
really hope Monica and you will live happily together. I thank Monica very
much, she gave me a chance to atone and be able to live peacefully for the rest
of my life. This is a gift she has given me.
Marda says: “Thank you for being able to step
out. God bless you, Your bone marrow saved my daughter's life!”
On 22/2/2003, the moment everyone has been
waiting for has finally arrived, Achlia's bone marrow was transplanted into
Monica's body. One week later, Monica healthy discharged from the hospital. The
Mardas have completely forgiven Achlia ...
-- In the last days of the year 2002, on the
pages of Italian appeared a notice looking for a very special person:
On 17/5/1992,
In some street parking 5, City business park
Avenue, a white woman with a black man of rape. Not long after, the woman gave
birth to a black baby girl. Currently she is suffering from leukemia, needs to
be done urgently marrow transplant surgery, three of her intestine is the only
hope to save her life, hope the former after reading this message, Please
quickly contact a doctor working at the hospital Andrew Elizabeth.
Newsletters has quickly created a stir in
public opinion.
This is a true story, and it will end up like?
Faced with a man forced ... You forgive him not? Please read on ...
She was diagnosed with leukemia
involving a secret ...
In a residential area of the city Foyer
Italy, foot 35 old woman always people buzz, because she and her husband Peter
are whites, but in their two children have a baby is black.
This has led to the restaurant around could
not help feeling curious, Marda always laugh told them that, because his
grandmother was black, his grandfather was a white man, daughter Monica should
appear the same again.
And secret can not cover
anymore ...
Fall 2002, black girl Monica was diagnosed
with leukemia, The only cure is a bone marrow transplant surgery. All the ones
relatives sides to the hospital for testing, but no one fit all.
One evening, Dr. Andrew was on duty then knock
on the door, spouses Marda. And he had heard that the couple secretly buried
them for years.
"It happened in December 5/1992, then 10
pm, heavy rain. Marda just melt shifts. As she was walking through a deserted
parking lot, Marda heard footsteps behind; Her fear turned her head to look, a
black man standing behind her. He's holding a stick, beat her unconscious, and
humiliated her. Not long after that, Marda discovered she was pregnant. They
were extremely frightened, fear that this child was the other black. Marda want
to break the pregnancy, but Peter had stopped her because he still hoped the
baby inside their child's.
Just like that, they had an anxious wait ...
Month 3/1993, Marda birth to a baby girl, is
black. They were absolutely desperate, and decided to bring the baby to the
orphanage, but each time heard its cry, are not heartless. And finally they
decided to bring her up as the daughter ....
Peter started eyes blurred, He went on to say:
Anyway, Marda also was pregnant it, the boy is
not guilty at all. It deserves to be lived and loved.
Nose doctor Andrew also did sting, He was
silent for a moment before finally opening words: "He had to find her
biological father of Monica, said perhaps his bone marrow, or bone marrow of
children he can fit with Monica ".
"But ... grandparent is willing to let him
appear in my life again or not?”
Marda says: "For Monica, we willing to
forgive him, if he shall come out to save him, I promised not to prosecute
Dr. Andrew not deeply shaken off by heart, the
compassion of this mother.
Marda and Peter thought again and again,
decided to form anonymity, to publish an article in the newspaper looking for
Month 11/2002, on most city magazines have
posted a bulletin Foyer find. But in the vast sea of people, let alone what
had for so many years, know where to go to find the name in the old rape?
Maternal heart to people who
inadvertently helped many unfortunate patients .....
This story has touched so many people, a wave
swept across the country to donate marrow, many people voluntarily tested to
see if their marrow is appropriate or not. And that has saved many patients
with leukemia, but Monica was not among the lucky ones.
Newsletter also transmitted to the ears of
black crime that year. Many people have volunteered to do the test report
bones, hoping marrow donor for Monica. Both the white prisoners were also
touched by Marda motherhood, they expressed sincere interest in her and provide
many clues to support the police and forced the family to find out who in the
old time.
But unfortunately, they still can not find the
father of Monica. More than two months passed, the other black man still does
not appear ... Marda and Peter still anxious waiting for the miracle will come
with their daughter.
Mystery man ... gradually
After finding this person bulletin appeared on
the newspaper in the city of Naples, in the heart of the boss of a high-end
restaurant is Achlia start waves.
On 17/5/1992, in his life has gone through a
stormy night wind like a nightmare, His chances are people mentioned in the
story above.
No one can doubt that millionaire's Achlia
this day once a dishwasher in a restaurant lease in the city Foyer. Parents
died early, he had to quit school, roll for a living society. Ironically, His
boss was a racist who. Although he had tried to work hard how it will always
suffer beatings from his scolding.
It's birthday 20 of Achlia. He plans to leave
early to celebrate his birthday, unexpectedly while squirming accidentally
dropped a plate, boss grabbed his neck forced him to swallow all those fragments.
Achlia resent him a punch, then stormed out of the shop.
He is determined avenge whites. That evening a
downpour, on the road does not seem to have a ball commuters, on the parking
lot he met Marda, his indignation about the surge in racist, hatred for white
people made him the biggest crime committed in life that until now he still can
not forgive myself: he has forced innocent woman that.
Deeply regrets, he bought a train ticket to
the city of Naples, away from the city in the night, hope can forget the guilt
that he has caused.
Later, Achlia has found work in a restaurant
advantages of an American, it is very precious couple of his diligence, Lina
also brought his daughter to be married to him, later he was assigned to manage
the entire business of a restaurant.
Few years ago, he has developed into a
restaurant luxury restaurant. He and Lina also together three adorable kids.
For everyone, Achlia really a good boss, good husband and father.
Achlia still never forget the crimes of the
past. He always prayed God, Please, please bless the woman he had been harmed
there, hope she can safely live a life of happiness, and not be harmed by the
sins he has caused. But he was never brought before the secret of this heart to
tell anyone.
That morning, Achlia have reread it several
times newsletter, intuition that he is who resist are finding space in the
paper. He never thought, The poor woman that was pregnant and had nourished
children do not belong to its capital.
All day, Achlia had telephoned Dr. Andrew
several times, but the phone was not filming, he began hastily hung up. In his
heart was struggling pain. If you like to stand out admit all, people will know
his evil past, children will not love you anymore, he loses the happy family
and beautiful wife, also will lose the respect of society for their. He has
been very difficult to have a life like today, I can not let happiness slip by.
Evening meal, people in the house were
discussing the news related to Marda in the press as the last time. Lina says wife:
"I really admire this woman. If you
return the, I would not have the courage to nurture her daughter was born
because rape. The more I admired her husband, he was indeed a man of
respectability, can accept a child like that? ".
Achlia silent for a moment then asked:
"So you acknowledge that rapist how?”
Lina said indignantly: "I absolutely can
not forgive him be. Year old has done wrong, at crucial moments of the now,
neck pulled him back shirk. He was right too ignoble, selfish, truth is too
disgusting! He is demon cowardly!”
Lina heard say, Achlia as not dare to tell the
truth to his wife. Tossing and turning all night he can not sleep, feeling
ourselves as being damnation in hell, the scene of the crime rainy night that
constantly appear in front. He agonized wonder: "I ended up being a good
person, or a bad person?”
A few days later, Achlia no way silent
anymore, fatherly love which burst from the depths of my soul, he wanted to
save his daughter. He had made a mistake once already, now can not continue any
more mistakes. British doctor Andrew call by public phone.
Also in the evening, he took up the courage to
tell his wife all. Lina cried, She could not have accepted very loving husband
she is a criminal. She ran out the door, drove all night in vain, she had never
experienced such a terrible night in the life. After a night of torment
suffering, she decided to return. Achlia the door, two red eyes. Lina said
firmly: “Achlia, I go to the doctor Andrew! I'll go with him!”
In desperation always appears
light of hope ....
On 8/2/2003, Achlia wife Elizabeth came to the
hospital and tested for DNA, results he really is the father of Monica.
Upon learning of the black man ever to
humiliate himself finally had the courage to step out, tears of happiness rolling
down her cheeks constantly Marda. She hatred throughout 10 year, but this
moment she was deeply touched.
All are extremely secretive conduct, The
hospital did not disclose the identity of the insider to the press, but only
informed reporters that Monica's biological father had been found.. This
information has drawn interest in the people of the country, They kept calling
and writing to Dr. Andrew, thanks to him sending their forgiveness and respect
to this black man: “He used to be a sinner, But now he's a hero!”
On 18/2, under secret arrangement, Marda met
Achlia in the living room of the hospital. When he saw Marda, Achlia's
footsteps were heavy, pale face. Marda and her husband walked over, clutching
his hand, the three people looked at each other and cried out loud, tears mixed
A long time later, Achlia said chokedly:
"Sorry, please forgive me! This statement I have buried in my
heart more deeply 10 years ago, Today finally had a chance to tell you. I
really hope Monica and you will live happily together. I thank Monica very
much, she gave me a chance to atone and be able to live peacefully for the rest
of my life. This is a gift she has given me.
Marda says: “Thank you for being able to step
out. God bless you, Your bone marrow saved my daughter's life!”
On 22/2/2003, the moment everyone has been
waiting for has finally arrived, Achlia's bone marrow was transplanted into
Monica's body. One week later, Monica healthy discharged from the hospital. The
Mardas have completely forgiven Achlia ...
This is truly a heartbreaking
rare story, touched people's hearts ...
Perhaps you have done it wrong as well, Wrong
way, But just with the heart to correct your mistakes, you can "calmly
face the future". Because only when we are honest with ourselves, bravely
accept who you are even for the worst, we can see the light of goodness. In the
depths of evil is a concealed honesty. Don't hesitate to face it and rise up,
that is the true and eternal beauty in life.